Can Nurses Perform Microneedling in Texas?

According to the Occupations Code, Section 1602 251 (c), a cosmetologist is only authorized to perform cosmetology services in a center authorized by the TDLR as a cosmetology establishment. Therefore, if a person performs acts under a beautician license in a place of business, then that company must have a license for a cosmetology salon or specialty salon TDLR. Regardless of the name of the center (salon, doctor's office, medical spa, etc.), it must be licensed by the TDLR. In fact, a doctor cannot delegate cosmetology procedures.

A doctor may only delegate medical procedures in accordance with laws and regulations related to medical licensing. In addition, according to the Occupations Code, Section 1602.403, a beauty salon must, at all times, be under the direct supervision of a cosmetologist. A person must obtain a cosmetology license before performing a service regulated by the cosmetology statute, including facials, masks, general skin care, etc. See Occupations Code, Section 1602.003 for a specific list of exemptions set out in the cosmetology statute.

A beautician license only authorizes a specific scope of practice, as set out in the law and rules of cosmetology. Specifically, under Occupations Code, Sections 1602.002 (a) (1), (2), (3) and (4), a person holding a cosmetic specialist license is authorized to clean, stimulate, or massage the scalp, face, neck or arms of a person by hand or by use of a device, appliance or appliance, and with or without the use of any cosmetic preparation, antiseptic, tonic, lotion, powder, oil, clay, cream or appliance. A beautician can also beautify the face, neck or arms of a person with a cosmetic preparation, antiseptic, tonic, lotion, powder, oil, clay, cream or appliance; administer facial treatments; remove superfluous hair from a person's body by depilatories; preparations or tweezing techniques; and apply semi-permanent extensions in the form of a thread composed of individual fibers to a person's eyelashes. Under the Texas Occupations Code Sections 1602.257 and 1602.002 (a) (1), (2), (3) and (4), a person who holds a cosmetic specialist license is authorized to clean, stimulate or massage the scalp, face neck or arms of a person by hand or by use of a device appliance or appliance and with or without the use of any cosmetic preparation antiseptic tonic lotion powder oil clay cream or appliance.

No; a beautician specialty license does not authorize the use of lasers. According to Section 1602.002 (a) of the Occupations Code (1), a beautician can remove superfluous hair from a person's body using depilatories; preparations or tweezing techniques). Laser hair removal is not a temporary hair removal method and cannot be performed by beauticians. According to the Occupations Code Section 1602.003 if a cosmetology service is within the scope of practice of a nurse's license then a nurse is not required to have a cosmetology license.

Nurses should contact the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners to identify the legal scope of practice for nursing license holders. For persons who successfully complete the license requirements for obtaining a beautician specialty license; the license issued by the department will indicate “Cosmetic Specialty License” in accordance with the law authorizing the creation of this license. Cosmetology law and regulations do not specifically prohibit facialists from using other names or titles; however; The Occupations Code Section 1603 401 knowingly prohibits making false or misleading statements in advertising. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Cosmetology PO Box 12157 Austin TX 78711 Cosmetic nurses perform wide range of cosmetic skin treatments These treatments may include Botox dermal fillers microdermabrasion tattoo removal laser treatments and more Unlike nursing beauticians medical beauticians are not required to obtain medical license which is reflected in these differences in average salary ranges Medical estheticians like beauticians have aesthetic licenses but do not have degrees in field of medicine while nursing estheticians do SkinPen is state-of-the-art medical-grade microneedling device designed to improve appearance of fine lines wrinkles and scars on face Because her medical training nurse beautician will have skills and competencies beyond those traditional beautician In addition contact Texas Medical Board or Texas Board Nurse Examiners for applicable facility requirements for medical and nursing offices if any Cosmetic nurses are medical professionals who can perform many same tasks as estheticians but have additional training to perform specialized treatments and work in medical facilities The Rule applies non-surgical medical cosmetic procedures including injections use prescription medical device someone who is not licensed perform procedure and is not physician physician assistant “PA” nurse practitioner “NP” Contact Texas Board Nurse Examiners identify appropriate degrees nursing license holders Reason why using good skincare routine combined vitamin C serum after microneedling treatment so important because sun damage can make you look much greater Over past week news law enforcement against two medical spas “MedSpas” including arrest popular injecting nurse and clinic's supervising chief medical officer has created panic MedSpa community While there are several different microneedle devices market SkinPen ONLY FDA-approved class II device microneedles meaning that device has passed rigorous testing prove its effectiveness safety.

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