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What License Do You Need to Open a Spa in Texas?

Opening a spa in Texas requires obtaining a few different licenses and permits. Before you can start offering services,...

How Much Revenue Does a Medical Spa Generate?

When it comes to running a medical spa, understanding the profit margins is essential. To calculate the profit margin of...

Which Medical Specialty is the Easiest to Match?

The following six medical specialties are the lowest ranked and therefore the easiest to match, relatively speaking:...

How to Get Rid of Medical Debt and Improve Your Credit Score

Medical debt can be a major burden for many Americans, and it can have a lasting impact on your credit score. While...

Medical Debts Forgiveness: What You Need to Know

The three major credit bureaus recently announced a pardon for those struggling with medical debts. Starting July 1, new...

Which Medical Specialty is the Least Stressful?

When it comes to medical specialties, some are considered to be less stressful than others. Pathology, dermatology,...

Understanding the Medical Debt Relief Act

The Medical Debt Relief Act is a bill that seeks to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection...

Are Spas Profitable? A Comprehensive Guide

Are spas profitable? This is a question that many entrepreneurs and business owners ask when considering opening a spa....

Editors Picks

What Qualifies as Medical Debt?

What Qualifies as Medical Debt?

When it comes to medical debt, it's important to understand what it is and how it can affect you. Medical debt is a...

Can Nurse Practitioners Open Aesthetic Practices in Texas?

Can Nurse Practitioners Open Aesthetic Practices in Texas?

In Texas, nurse practitioners, beauticians and other non-doctors cannot own a medical spa, also known as a medi-spa or...

How Long Does Unpaid Medical Debt Stay on Your Credit Report?

How Long Does Unpaid Medical Debt Stay on Your Credit Report?

Once reported to your credit bureau, medical debt stays on your credit report for seven years, the same amount of time as ...

Can a Nurse Practitioner Own a Medical Spa in California?

Can a Nurse Practitioner Own a Medical Spa in California?

California has strict regulations when it comes to owning and operating a medical spa. In order to comply with the...

How Long Does a Facial Treatment Last? A Comprehensive Guide

How Long Does a Facial Treatment Last? A Comprehensive Guide

Skincare is like a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about doing everything at once to get an immediate effect, but about...

Can Nurses Perform Microneedling in Texas?

Can Nurses Perform Microneedling in Texas?

According to the Occupations Code, Section 1602 251 (c), a cosmetologist is only authorized to perform cosmetology...